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 An autistic adult was able to keep his job after he used an iPod with videos, a clock alarm and written messages to remind him of his work.

This amazing story was as a result of a study done on the use of.  

In a 4 year study involving dozens of participants, researchers found that the use of an iPod greatly improved the workplace performance of autistic adults.
For the study researchers paired each participant with a coach who trained them on using the program. The coach's involvement tapered off as the participant became proficient at their work.

The program used apps for scheduling reminders, with video prompts, navigation instructions, movies and music.
The iPod was chosen for the program because it was the only pocket sized personal assistant available.
According to researchers the program reduced episodes of disruptive behaviour characteristic of autism spectrum disorder(ASD).
Persons with autism often struggle due to cognitive impairment and  they have problems with communication. This makes it difficult for them to take and hold employment.

 Click Here To read more on this study.