The blood pressure is the force of blood exerted on the artery walls as the bood circulates through the body.

A blood pressure can be normal, at risk or high.

In high blood pressure, also called hypertension there is constant pumping of the blood through the vessels with excessive force.

A blood pressure reading consists of two numbers: the top number is when the heart is at rest and the bottom number when it is beating.

A normal blood pressure is less than 120/80.
When a blood pressure reading rises to 120/80 the person is at risk for hypertension, he is then considered prehypertensive.

Hypertension is diagnosed when a blood pressure is 140/90 or higher, it a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, strokes and premature deaths.
About1 billion people worldwide have hypertension. It is expected that by 2025 1.5 billion will be living with this health risk factor.

A person's blood pressure tends to rise with age making everyone at risk for hypertension as they get older.

High blood pressure is a secondary risk factor which means it can be prevented by removing the primary risk factors that cause it.

The main risk factors for hypertension are:
*Unhealthy eating
*Lack of physical activity

When hereditary is combined with an unhealthy lifestyle the risks are greater.
Some ways to prevent hypertension are:
  • Keeping physically active
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Monitoring blood pressure readings

Our health program prepares people to develop healthy lifestyle habits; once adopted, these habits can contribute to having a normal blood pressure.