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Quitting The Smoking Habit

Posted by healthyou, Consumer Health Educator on Friday, January 11, 2013, In : smoking cessation 
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If you've made a resolution to quit smoking or if you are  a smoker you can quit the habit in 2013.

Quitting at any time has tremendous health benefits, but the younger you are when you quit the greater they are.

Quitting has immediate and long-term effects,  but the longer you stay quit the greater the effects.

Why Quit

Tobacco is a major health risk factor for non-communicable diseases and a big public health concern.

Almost 6 million people die each year due to smoking and 600,0...

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Things To Know About An Enlarged Prostate

Posted by Healthyou, Consumer Health Educator on Saturday, August 4, 2012, In : Men's Health 
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The prostate is a male reproductive gland, associated with sperm production. It is situated below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. 
The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut; as men age the gland becomes enlarged a disease known as benign prostatic hyperthropy (BPH). 

The enlargement causes narrowing of the urethra affecting the flow of urine.

BPH, unlike cancer is not malignant.

The test for diagnosing BPH is the same as for cancer of the prostate, but the levels are only slightl...

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How to Recognize A Heart Attack

Posted by Healthyou, Consumer Health Educator on Thursday, July 12, 2012, In : heart disease 
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If an individual has a heart attack, It is important that blood flow is restored immediately to prevent further damage to the heart muscle and to save the life.

When the blood supply to the heart muscle is
obstructed it does not receive the oxygen that it requires. 
This can cause a heart attack, the cells can begin to die.

The sooner the blood flow is restored the less damage will result.

It is important to recognize the signs of a heart attack to get help immediately.

There are symptoms that w...

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Non-Communicable Diseases-A Global Concern

Posted by Healthyou, Consumer Health Educator on Monday, May 28, 2012, In : noncommunicable disease 
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Non-communicable diseases (NCD's) are a global concern. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations are calling on all to join together in the fight against them.

Non-Communicable diseases are chronic diseases such as cancer, heart dsease, strokes,diabetes,asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD).

Thirty six million people die each year and millions more are sick because of NCD's.  Fortunately NCD's can be prevented.
Watch the video


NCD's can be prevented by li...
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Things You should Know About Vitamin D

Posted by Healthyou, Consumer Health Educator on Tuesday, May 1, 2012, In : supplements 
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Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin, it is necessary to prevent diabetes, to build strong bones, for teeth health and for general health.

We produce it ourselves through exposure to the sun.

Unfortunately we need a lot more sun than we can get to produce enough vitamin-D for our health.

Due to the harmful effects of the sun we need to protect our health from it.  Actions and products that can do so also prevent us from the exposure necessary to produce vitamin-D.

Certain people are espe...

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About Depression

Posted by Healthyou, Consumer Health Educator on Friday, April 20, 2012, In : Mental health 
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The World Health Organization describes depression as a mental disorder characterized by sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy and poor concentration. 

 Depression can be described as a type of sadness that will not go away, it lingers around for more than two weeks.

Depression affects people of any gender, age or background, it affects over 120 million people worldwide and is a leading cause of disability.

Depression ...

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Healthy Eating-How Much and What?

Posted by Healthyou, Consumer Health Educator on Friday, February 24, 2012, In : healthy eating 

You've decided to prepare your grocery shopping list.You have a budget and you have some time to go grocery shopping.

You want to to buy what is necessary to prepare healthy, nutritious meals

What should I buy and how much?

Remember healthy eating is not about having plenty to eat, but about eating the right foods from the right food groups.

  1. Firstly buy food from the four food groups.
  2. Secondly you may not need as much as you think you do, to eat well
  3. Thirdly you may need to l...

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Overweight/Obesity- A Tutorial

Posted by Healthyou, Consumer Health Educator on Friday, February 17, 2012, In : Tutorials 

Consuming more calories than the body burns is the cause of excessive weight gain.

The excess fat, as a result, is stored in specific cells until the body is able to burn it.

If the body hasn't had the opportunity to burn the excess fat through physical activity, it causes weight gain.

Some Facts

For some obesity may start as early as during development in the womb, this is when childhood obesity starts.

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of a child being overweight.

The number of overwe...

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