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A recent study reports that fructose can cause obesity by playing a role in overeating. This is useful information for obese people  whose cause of obesity is overeating.
The study involved 20 young, normal weight people.

Scientists used magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) scans to track blood flow in their brain.
The scans were done before and after drinks containing:
  1. Glucose
  2. Fructose

For the study, there were two sessions several weeks apart.

The MRI's showed that glucose suppresses activities in areas of the brain that cause overeating, but fructose does not.

The study concluded that the desire to eat continues with fructose consumption.

Sugar is an enemy of any diet, too much sugar will also contribute to an unhealthy eating pattern. It is recommended that added sugar and sweetened beverages by avoided as many foods already contain too much.

It is wise that overweight or obese people:

  • Limit their sugar consumption to prevent overeating.
  • Check nutrition labels on products and avoid those with fructose
Read more on the study

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No more food is required. If overeating is still a problem, behaviour modification is a method of treatment.